The Diary

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New York, Novbr 29th 1873.

Novbr 29th sat.

fine day, dine at Schedlers, at 1 P.M. with Morrisania boat from Fulton street, meet R. D. Collin, of Newbury on board, proceed with them & Theo. & Albt to our property & show it to them, return by 34th street Ferry Play cards in eveg. I leave my truss off at 5 P.M. retire at 11 PM At 8 P.M. sign with my wife Agreement to exchange my property with H.S.S. for property No 26 Gramercy Park, before Notary Bell & Lawyer Lyon at my house, wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

Novbr. 30th sund.

fine day. Proceed to Store (with truss off) & get up claim of title to Steinway factory block. dine home, drive with Theo. to Cassebeers see Deppermanns baby, spend evening home all playing cards

Decbr 1st Monday.

Heavy Snow Storm, put on truss temporarily because it is so slippery, am at German Sav. Bk. in eve'g, wife & H. Ziegler at German Theatre,

Decbr 2d Tuesd.

Snowstorm all day, Poggenburg reports that Wash. Life Ins Comp. grant $100.000 loan, & takes the deeds, am at L.K. in eveg, preside

Decbr. 3d Wed.

take balance of papers to Underhill & Ulshoeffer 54 Wall street see Geo. T. Hope, who says everything will be in readiness by the end of the month. Work til 11 P.M. in the Store, am nearly worn out. Wife and all the family at Theatre & Opera 

Decbr. 4th Thursday,

at L.K. B. of T. Mtg. preside, home 11 oclock

" 5th friday.

with Theodore to farm, new fan blower tried, seems to make good stream of wind, saltwater wellpipe covered in Albert & wife, Wm & Wife. and Theodore sign $100.000 Mtge to Wash. Life Ins. Co. with wife, Georgie & Paula to Blind Tom.

" 6th sat.

fine day. Dr. McCready examines me at Wash. Life Ins. Comp, pronounces me perfectly healthy, I see Steamer Meier about E. Schubert, family at my house in eveg. play cards.

" 7th sund.

With Albert & Theo. to farm, Alberts new airpump condenser does not work, we decide to change Engine into a plain one, boys call on us

" 8th Mond.

Theo examined by Dr. McCready pronounced perfectly healthy Spend evening at Zieglers house, raining. Georgie, spoiled Stomach