The Diary

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New York, Decbr 9th 1873.

Decbr 9th Tuesday,

at 12 o’’clock proceed to Hoboken to Steamer Goethe my wife, Gussie Cassebeer, Albert Reck +c +c. Theodore sails at 2.40 P.M. I telegraph to his wife "Theodore abgereist Steamer Goethe, Hamburg"

Decbr. 10th Wed.

At German Club in eveg. Generalversamlung. Afterwards, Wiebusch, Ammann & I sing

Dec 12th Thursday friday

In the morning Kennedy calls at my house, terrible commotion in my neighborhood against sale of my house to Hom. Hospital. I call on Lyon, go with him to City Hall, find strong restrictions on my house & lots

Dec 11th Thursday,

Underhill tells me that there is a difficulty in the title to our front lots of factory, in eveg with Steins, H. Schalk Chas. Schedler & Wehrle at Restaurant, home at 2 AM

Dec 13th sat.

Money comes in freely especially from California am considerably staggered by letter from U & U that they found three Mortgages of $40.000 on factory block and taxes unpaid. At home eveg, Reck, Albert & wife playing cards,

Decbr 14th Sunday,

Clear cold day, am at store in the forenoon Spend afternoon uptown, also eveg, play cards, feel little stiffness in both arches. On going to bed, discover that rupture is not entirely healed


Decbr 15th Monday,

clear fine day. All day on my feet in relation to the Homeopathic Hospital matter, and our loan, at "Led Astray" at Union Square Theatre in evening.

Decbr 16th Tuesday.

At last close loan of $100.000. (of which we receive $80.000. on account) on our factory. dine at Carl Schwarz with Fred. Steins, at L.K. in eve'g, meet Edward & Otto Ernst there

Decbr 17th Wed.

Thick fog all day, our men cannot come from Astoria, am busy all day paying off matters, tell Reck to do the ceilings of the top floor for $200 tell him that we desire to pay off his call loan. Am excused U. S. Jury one week

Decbr 18th Thursday.

John Laring tells me about commotion on 38th street, with wife and Julia Ziegler at "Elephant" at German Theatre

Decbr 19th friday.

Raining, with Albert to Astoria to view Brickstove which is completed, feel quite dejected, at home in evening, writing

Decbr 20th Sat.

fine day, K. N. & K. telegraphed at noon Yesterday that the Goethe had touched at Plymouth. At home in evening, playing cards