The Diary

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NewYork, June 22d 1874

June 22d Monday

ferry, splendid weather though very hot, free lunch commences at 12, lasts til 1 P.M. then a number of lots are sold on the upper end of the Luyster farm, when about 3½ P.M. I stop the sale. Stay til 6 P.M. drive to Mrs. Albert, where Fr. Steins & Komff are with a couple of girls we eat supper, drive to my house via 34th str. ferry, play 66 with Reck & Fr. Steins who comes in afterwards


June 23d Tuesday.

fine weather, though hot, at L.K. in eveg, sing, +c

June 24th Wed.

Working to eve'g in Store, Dachauer calls, we play 66 & beat him, Before State Assessors Tax Commißioners

June 25th Thursday.

draw up Grote Mtge til 8 P.M. at L.K. afterwards play 66 with Biedermann, are even.

June 26th friday,

Grote loan closed, much to my relief, we now have considerable money on hand, It rains badly in afternoon & evening I remain home in eve'g, look over my old papers and destroy many of them

June 27th sat.

Splendid mild day, but 79 at 3 PM eat supper with Albert at Zieglers, the three Goepels dine with us, we go to Terrace Garden, L.K. Summer nights festival, stay there til 1 A.M. The Goepels stay over night at our house, Paul coming home at 5 AM, it is very warm and the Musquitos commence to trouble me