The Diary

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New York. July 18th 1874

July 18th Sat.

Make various calls, dine at Mansion House with Rieffenstahl, Dr. Storck & Weißer with them & Dr. Hauenstein drive way out to International Bridge. In the morning drove with George Roos through the new Park
Take supper with Weißers, attend the Concert at Ziegeles, at 1 A.M. take home Miß Cossack and Miß Krüetzelmann, My bowels are loose, and I have a strong diarhoe all night

July 19th Sunday.

Hot day. At 7 A.M. am driven out to George Roos' farm, meet Adolph and little George with my Georgies Pony. I drink over 20 glasses of Spring Water and play 66 with George all day, also some games of Casino with him, his wife and large children Stay over night at farm


July 20th Monday,

take buggy. Visit Dallenbachs, Rieffenstahl Georgers, Hauensteins, A. Brunn, A. Rose, take dinner at Weißers, have a long and earnest talk with him and tell him that in case all other projects fail he may come to Astoria, and open a Real Estate office, Depart (after paying an old bill of $4.25. to Grüner) with the 8.25 P.M. train for Syracuse, where I arrive at 1 A.M. Have Rheumatism in right shoulder, stop at Globe Hotel.

July 21st Tuesday.

Pleasant mild weather, proceed to Van Laers Store, which is together with Grover & Bakers Sewing M. Store, and after waiting a while, Van Laer comes, being very glad