The Diary

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New York, Aug 28th 1874.

Aug 28th friday.

Feel quite well, Go to bed early but have a sleepless night

Aug 29th sat.

Fine day. At 4 P.M. F. Steins, Chas Wilhelms, Henry Haas, Reck & I drive up to Schedlers, take supper, sing there, return to my house, and we play Kreuz Marriage til 11 oclock when we retire

Aug 30th Sunday.

Glorious day. at 8 A.M. we proceed to Astoria, our Stage takes us to old dock, yacht being 1000 feet out, low tide, we steam to College Point, arrive there at 10 AM, where we are joined by young Funke, H. Poppenhusen, Hammacher, Alfred Schlesinger and Brother, Roesing, Schleicher, Vietor and many others so that we are 18 of us, we steam to Fort Schuyler, fish, then to Millers near Willets Point, where we take a splendid dinner, then steam to Execution Rock and Sands Point, fish there, steam back to College Point and thence to our dock at Astoria. I am in splendid voice and we sing quite a number of beautiful songs, Jost takes us to Astoria by Stage, where we go by cars to Hunters point, Mr. Schlesinger & I going to the German Club where I stay til 11.30 PM. Glorious day

Aug 31st Monday.

Feel first rate. Reck & Tretbar at my house, we play Solo 60, Reck wins an open Nullo, to bed at 12 P.M.


Sept 1st Tuesday.

Fine day. Business prospects look very blue, I think I shall partly reduce earth ^excavating