The Diary

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New York, Aug 5th 1875.

Aug 5th Thursday.

Wife, Reinel, Paula, Mrs. Dachauer Reck & I take a bath, which does me much good, Misty foggy weather all day and evening drive to second Beach, to bed to 11 PM. after playing Skat with Reck & my wife. Win 50 Cents

Aug. 6th friday.

Write Contract with AngloContinental Piano Comp. Take a bath like Yesterday Drive to Fort McAdam, Music there, Make the acquaintance of Col. Beck and several others. In evening start by steamer Providence with Paula, in foggy misty weather but arrive safely in N.Y. at 7 AM next morning


Aug 7th sat.

take lunch at Rommelsbachers in eve'g uptown with Theodore

Aug 8th sunday.

In the morning at 7½ AM drive in Carriage with Fred. Steins to 153 E. 37th str., take Julius Gerson and his little daughter along, drive through the Park to the Tafelrunde breakfast at Charles Schedlers, High Bridge, all the Members except Maas, present with their ladies Counter certificate made by Gerson. Splendid fun, at 1 P.M. Theo, Steins, Gerson and his little daughter, drive to Astoria, I stay at our mansion overnight, we playing Whist together

Aug 9th Monday.

Take a swim early in the morning, to the City where via Harlem boat I arrive at 9 AM, am