The Diary

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New York, Aug 12th 1875

Aug 12 Thursday.

It rains in torrents all day Remain home, Dr. Brueninghausen attends me, prescribing Colchicum, Iodine & Aconite internally and liniment outside. In evening play 66 with Reck, win 59 Cents

Aug 13th friday.

fine weather, it is a little better, but I cannot walk without the aid of a Cane, drive to Store, learn that Albert with his wife & daughter arrived last night, Terrific Rainstorm all day

Aug 14th sat.

Knee a little better but feel it now badly under left heel, Drive to Store again, am kept very busy, towards eveg drive home again, to bed at 10 PM

Aug 15th Sunday.

learn that Northern R. R. had been seriously damaged by the floods, Albert wife & Hettie & Reck, went by Hackensack road had to walk 1½ Miles at Orcadell, arrived there at 9 P.M. I am all alone, reading Heines works which I had just bought of Stechart and Wolf

Aug 16th Monday.

I am so much improved that I can walk to and from the Store, rub my knee which I painted with Iodine, with Oil, it strains in the Skin outside, I take Colchicum three times pr. day, and Iodine Powders in wet Oblates (Wafers) my wife & Alfred and Reinel arrive from Newport at 10 AM