The Diary

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New York, Decbr 10th 1875.

Decbr 10th friday.

Fine clear day. Down town at noon, take lunch with Tafelrunde pass through Five Points to look at Ruins of fire of last night. I feel so dreadfully dejected that it seems beyond human strength to bear it, my eyes full of tears, and fearful Brustschmerzen. uptown at 5 P.M. take supper with Albert, Mrs. Kreischer son & Riekchen there, my wife comes after supper, Albert, Miß Grunow & I play Skat win $1.10 Schaefer Bros. send in their bill which is nearly $3000, home at 11 PM


Dec 11th sat.

letter from Theo. from Berlin dated Novbr 27th has Idea of Bronce steel for strings, nothing of Reinel as yet. Steamer Oder with Luther on board seems to have come in. Business has been very good this week, a number of Retail Sales having been effected. Luther calls at 11 AM, order truck to be sent over to Hoboken to take his things to Astoria direct. My "Brustschmerzen" continue so as to almost drive me to despair. Luther, wife and child & nurse come at 5 P.M. after a great deal of trouble with the Custom house Officers I send them over to Astoria with a carriage Reck & I stop at Neuss til 6¼ P.M. take supper at my house, play 66 til 9 P.M. win $1.00. My wife with George to "Mighty Dollar" I pass an almost sleepless night, wife also sick.
