The Diary

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New York, Decbr 19th 1875.

Decbr 19th Sunday,

Piercing cold. Hogan calls at 9 AM He & I fully discuss matters, give him $200 to carry out intended business, then I proceed to Store, try if space allotted to us 20 x 22' for Centennial is sufficient. Take lunch home have about one hours conversation with wife respecting our future. By 4th Ave Bridge uptown, see mother on finding she knows Reinel departure to Europe tell her all about it. Home for supper, play Skat with Reck, C. St & Albert, win 40 Cents wife to bed early, not feeling well

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Decbr 20th Monday.

Clear cold day, heavy payday I lunch at home, feel again very sad and depressed in spirits. All Concert business wretched beyond measure, Strakosch with his Titiens-Goddard troupe, even Thomas losing money. Von Bülow business said to be very poor, not 200 people in the House at his first performance in Phila. I send Darcie to Printer Gray to change Vienna Matter in our Catalogue. With Toussaint, Reck and Steins to Neuss, Reck & Steins to Supper with us. I proceed uptown through 50th str. My wife with Reck to Alberts house, where we play Skat I win 24 Cents. Albert & I go over his tabular statement of different prices, am very much astonished by the unexpected result