The Diary

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New York, Janry 10th 1876.

Janry 10th Monday.

Mild day, No Snow and Ice as yet, letter from August Kreisemann who now lives in Wiesbaden, thanking me for the loan of 600 Marks lunch at Tafelrunde, give Klamroth Advt for $125. on rear Page of German Centennial Almanac Home for supper, with wife to Alberts house in eveg play Skat with him Reck & Henry Steinway win 45 Cents. I have a fearful cold & cough.

Jan 11th Tuesday.

Bitter cold & windy day. Met Hogan in the forenoon and afterwards on Union Square, talk business carefully over with him. Finish Circular to our dealers Pay Hogan $200. Lunch at my house with Zieglers In eve'g wife with Chas. St. to Germania Theatre "Die bezähmte Widerspänstige" given. Fritz Steins to Supper with us. At 8 P.M. go the L.K. with him Generalversammlung, C. G. Gunther elected President Emil Unger & Julius Hoffmann Vice Presidents Adolph Goepel, corr. Secretary, I am elected to Board of Trustees, am greatly rejoiced that I escaped the Presidency. After close of election walk up home stop at Neuss on the way with a number of Members, home at 1 AM


Jan 12th Wed.

Very cold dry weather, at Bridge Meeting with Tretbar, no Quorum, report to them however that the three engineers, Generals Barnard, Gillmore and Chanute have held Meetings and considered Genl Serrells plan At home in eveg, playing Skat with Reck, Albert & Tretbar I lose 63 Cents. With Robt Schell examine Kohlers Brewery

Goepel & Miss Wimmel married by the Mayor