The Diary

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New York, Decbr 7th 1876.

Decbr 7th Thursday.

Fine day. Feel perfectly well. Am greatly annoyed by Pressmen yesterday & today soliciting advertisements. Business suffers severely. Mrs. Dachauer is in again, in a terrible excitement wants to leave her husband at once, unless he orders R.R. to leave his mothers house at once. Fred. Steins with me at supper, afterwards I am at L.K. Board of Trustee Meeting examine basement for purpose of increasing size of barroom. With Steins & Grasse at the Belvidere house, meet Adolph Schalk there Home at 12 o'clock.

Decbr 8th friday.

Feel quite well. Our Adts appear in all the leading papers, "Double Victory" and make a splendid show. The unfortunate Muddle of Presidential Election continues to kill business. In eveg I am at Pagenstechers 52 W. 40th str. He, Wiebusch & Toussaint & I sing new Quartetts &c. Eat Oysters &c walk home at 12 o'clock

Decbr 9th sat.

Snow & bitter cold weather. Feel again Rheumatism in my right knee, but walk to Store Read Chickerings Answer to our complaint denying each and every allegation thereof Eat extremely moderately. In eveg, Jos. Wehrle calls on me, in which he tells me his experience with his wife, and I disclose to him the leading points of my late wife's crimes. He is in a terrible state of mind. Ellen Walsh our Laundress said to be sick
We receive Copy of Chickerings answer