The Diary

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New York, Decbr 12th 1876.

Decbr 12th Tuesday.

Snow & Ice, call on Johnson 165 Bdway, two Jews who want to sell Mortgages at 10 pr. Ct discount for me, which is respectfully declined. Lunch at Tafelrunde, Ottendorfer & Kutroff there. Then ride to Pastor Krüsi, see him his wife and Mrs. Roesen, question her closely about Long Branch 1867, also Mrs. Krüsi as to what Ida told her, Mrs. Krüsi reiterates her original statement. Louis Berge who sold Mrs. Allaire of Blackwells Island the Bogus Steinway piano appears and says he himself was deceived by old Markstein. In eve'g Fritz Steins at Supper with me. Am at L.K. after walking through 4th street. Sing Solo "Die Nacht ist heiter und ist rein" am in fair voice. Afterwards Fritz Steins Carl Goepel, Klebs & I sing several Quartetts down stairs exciting general admiration. Give Klebs $10. Home at 12½ A.M. Having walked with Nembach Hoffmann tells me he noticed Ehrensbergers & wifes Name among passenger list of Weser


Decbr 13th Wed.

Get Passenger list of Weser & find that Reinel and her husband are among the Names. Lunch with Tafelrunde. Am at Bridge Meeting, Engineers Reports not complete. Business exceedingly poor for the season, and money very slow, at home in evening, writing letters to Europe, looking over documents &c. Paula 10th birthday.
Replication to Chickering; filed