The Diary

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New York, January 1st 1877

Jan 1st Monday.

Go to Store early, meet Sutro there, examine bill of complaint, and give him further notes. Receive a heavy mail, some $2500. in Money. Also letter from Theo. for Albert and myself. I passed a very sleepless night, Georgie also tells me that he vomited last night, but is now quite well again. Work in the Store, meet Sutro til noon. Then go over my private desk in the sleeping Room, find picture of unhappy little Alfred when he was about three years old, my sufferings are indescribable. Afterwards I call on Kreischers, learn that their Staten Island factory burned to the Ground last night. I also call on Cassebeers sing several songs, then home, Fred. Steins there for supper, we then call on Ottendorfers, meet Preiss there. At 10 P.M. Fred, Preiss & I stop at Hotel Monica drink a bottle of Champagne. A fearful snowstorm is raging so that I can barely get home.

Georgie 4 feet 6 1/8 inches tall in his shoes Paula 4 feet 6 1/8 inches tall in her shoes

Jan 2d Tuesday.

Clear day, but 2 feet of Snow on the ground, to Supreme Court at 12 Sweeney Jury postponed til 1st Monday in April, lunch with Tafelrunde. Examine Freunds account of interview with General Oliver, all O.K. He starts for Salem tonight. Mrs. Dachauer comes in, says that there is great commotion about Mr. D. sudden departure. At L.K. in evening, help singing home at 11½ P.M. give Klebs $5 00/100