The Diary

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New York, March 6th 1877.

Tuesday Mar 6th

In bed, Dr. Lellmann attends slept badly during the night

Wed. 7th of Mar.

In bed but feel somewhat better, Sleep well

March 8th Thursday.

Mrs. Emma Steins calls upon us. Consultations with Van Santvoord and Albert in my library where I had gone down at 2 P.M. Read & write balance of day & eve'g. Mrs. Evers with children to Steinway Hall, to hear De Cordova, To bed at 9½ P.M.

March 9th friday,

slept well, a furious gale raged all night, it also rains, I get up about 11 o'clock feeling much better, sit down in the library writing. Albert giving direct Testimony in the Chickering suit, before our lawyer Van Santvoord & Chg. lawyer Fuller, in presence of C. F. Chickering, who for the first time discovers that his pianos also has the dowels under the projecting piers of the Iron frame I sleep very well indeed

March 10th Sat.

Am much improved except right elbow, get up early and by 9 A.M. am in the library. Have constant calls Kleinfelder calls on me, tells me that he examined at Chickg Warerooms, the Upright pianos, also at Chandlers in Brooklyn, and finds