The Diary

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New York, March 10th 1877.


the infringement gone, but the tone very much deteriorated. Cotterill calls I settle my divorce that his his bill at $2000. instead of $3500. as charged by him. He brings me the first papers to be executed in the Candidus matter, appointing me Guardian and Trustee. Albert comes at 8 P.M. reads his testimony to me crossexamination by Fuller, who intends to have him at least 5 days more of cross examination out of him. Chickering was not present today. I go to bed by 10 PM


March 11th Sunday.

Rise early, can now walk without crutch or cane, but resolve to keep very quiet, go to dinner table, took a sun bath, in evening my right elbow begins to pain me, play Skat with C. & H. Steinway lose 43 Cts

Mar 12th Monday.

Arm pains me badly and is completely lamed. I give Mrs. Mary Striebeck $20. for her husband to take Caveat for Coffee Machine I suffer pain during the night

Mar 13.Tuesd.

Fr. Steins dines with us. I am greatly annoyed by visitors. Again suffer during the night. Ms. Krüsi with her two children lunch with us, ... ..... . _. _.. in night.

Mar 14. Wed.

Old Bang pesters me about his new fumigating perfume. Arm slightly better