The Diary

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New York, March 15th 1877.

Mar 15 Thursd.

Arm still useless & very painful. Paint with Iodine which does it good Sleep well at nights now, weather stormy + boisterous

Mar 16 fridy.

Old Cluett & his son George call on me trouble in their camp. In Eveg Phelps calls & reports his Texas trip Sleep well

Mar 17th sat.

Storm all night. Heavy fall of Snow. My arm better so that I can write a little Rowell foreclosure sale postponed two weeks Steins children play with mine in eveg they perform a little Theatre. Play Skat with Albert and Mrs. Albert St. win 2 Cents To bed at 11 P.M. Sleep splendidly

Mar 18th Sunday.

Children at Alberts, I am much better & feel quite comfortable Have many visitors, Preiss, Petri, Henry Kleber, Phelps, Ziegler, also Ottendorfer with whom I have a pleasant long chat til 6½ P.M. Dictate letter to Geilfuss -- to Hempsted. My arm is growing steadily better. To bed at 9 PM
Preiss tells me that Reck lost money in Stocks

March 19th Monday.

Hogan calls, also Vandyke Chas. Kreischer calls, he still limps badly, I drive to the store & transact business drive home at 4 P.M. see Vandyke, also Hogan, whom I pay $50. Retire at 9 P.M. I sleep splendidly, though the weather is boisterous
Hogan $50