The Diary

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New York, March 20th 1877.

March 20th Tuesday.

Fine day, but cold. Drive to store at 9½ AM. feel much better. Fred Cluett there He & his father in law Bidrop with me at my house, on their troubles. Mrs. Dachauer calls tells me, that the lawyer Wesley Sterling Yard of 55 Reade street wants to see her tomorrow Drive with Fred Steins to L.K. Sing, and preside Home at 11 PM.
Give Hogan pictures

March 21st Wed.

Rainstorm all night and day, but I feel much better and can wield the pen pretty well again. Van Alst calls and shows me a splendid new map of L. I. City, I am much retarded by Visitors. At home in eve'g, Georgie thinks he has Rheumatism in his right knee To bed at 9 PM,

March 22d Thursday.

Gloomy day. Drive to Store at 9 AM I gradually grow better in right arm and left knee. Stetson sick with Rheumatism, limps about the store. R. A. Witthaus died Monday, buried today Mrs. Dachauer calls, lawyer Yard saw her yesterday, wanted her to sign affidavit which she refused Georgie has slight Rheumatism in his knee and hip. In eve'g at Alberts house, play Skat with Albt & H. Cassebeer, and win $1.09. Eat Entenschwanz Home at 11 P.M. I sleep splendidly

March 23d friday.

Have lost one of my safekeys. Georgie still on sofa with slight Rheumatism.