The Diary

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New York, March 23d 1877.


At 12 o'clock to Rathskeller, take dinner, see Tax Commißioner Andrews, afterwards Cotterill to whom I hand the Candidus matters, & tell him of the lawyer Sterling Wesley Yard's efforts to make Mrs. Dachauer sign an affidavit At Store at 4 PM. Walk home, having also walked to Store this morning. I feel little stiffness in my left knee & slightly in my right arm. Home in eve'g, writing letters Sleep splendidly.

March 24th Sat.

Rise early, to Store at 8½ A.M. To my utter consternation all the morning papers contain Notice of Mrs. Dachauers divorce, mentioning my name, divorce, and Mrs. R. R. as the guilty part here and in Europe. I consult Mr. Cotterill who happens to call, send Darcie and Phelps to stop all further publications, in which they fully succeed, Staatszeitung having suppressed it yesterday already. Mr. Dean also calls, & tells me that he is very sorry the press got hold of it, he promises to let me see the complaint, which alleges also that D. was at a house of ill fame in N.Y. I grow more quiet during the day. Hogan sees me at 6 P.M. says Reck swore that all he had belonged to his mother, I give him $50. After supper to Wiebuschs, party, I sing in two Quartetts we amuse ourselves splendidly. At L.K. with Amann afterwards, meet Albert, home from Maskenkranzchen at 2 AM

Hogan $50