The Diary

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New York, June 3d Sunday 1877

June 3d Sunday.

At 9 A.M. to factory, see Kroeger talk everything over with him, & see that Iron Resonator in Grand is dropped, & Alberts improvement made. Then drive to Brosi, but do not find any of the Tafelrunde there. Take dinner with mother then drive to Kroegers house, to Astoria with him with him & Luther through the factory, third floor is completely finished, we talk over everything I then with Williams, Judge Pierce & Theodore Schultz look over my Rapalye Property on Winthrop Ave to locate auxiliary Waterworks, I then walk to Stonehouse Luther says that he will move during this week Drive to 52d str. leave horse & buggy there then home by 4th Ave. find my children and many other children at supper, George celebrating his 12th birthday which falls upon tomorrow. Mr. Tretbar, Chas & Henry & I play Skat, lose 5 Cents

June 4th Monday.

Yesterday & today slight touch in Elbow pit of right arm, take lunch at Rathskeller, Dr. Auerbach there. Take a Steambath in afternoon, my 6th this season, at home in eve'g, draw up my will

June 5th Tuesd.

With Mrs. Evers, Bam & baby to Kreischersville at 9 AM. find Mrs. Louise still dreadfully excited & suffering Spend pleasant day, at 4 P.M. leave, reach N.Y. 6 P.M. by elevated RR. to 21st & 23d str. Car home. Walk to L.K. where I preside, stopping at 18th str. & Cassebeers