The Diary

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New York, June 10th 1877.


Park to Steins, after stopping a few moments at Steins, the ladies drive to St. Isl. Ferry. Albert would have been 37 years of age today, and Louisa is 29 years. I stop at Steins, take a walk with Fred Steins & McLean, we are also a few minutes at Bedford Brewery, at 8 P.M. we three with Mrs. Steins to house of Chas. Wilhelms, where we sing Quartetts without a second tenor. I am in splendid voice. Arrive at home after 1 PM.

June 11th Monday.

Excessively busy all day. Work til 10 PM conversing with Henry Steinway. During day down town, lunch at Rathskeller, make acquaintance of Congressman Schleicher of Texas.

June 12th Tuesday.

At 9 A.M. with my George & Paula and Mrs. Tretbar, by Carriage to St. Island, visit Mrs. Louisa A. Steinway, find her bodily well but still very much depressed in spirits. George Kreischer with us. At 4 P.M. depart, meet Mrs. Adam Weber on the way. From St. Isl. Ferry, by Elevated Road to 21st str. & 23d str. Car home. Take supper with Mr & Mrs. Tretbar. They, H. St. & I afterward play Skat, win $1. 00/100. In the morning, Cablegram "Power to arrest, answer" Marie Dachauer to which I reply "No arrest for childrens sake I beg you. Wm. St." In evening both Therese Heilmann, and Ellen Walsh are subpenaed as Witnesses in the Dachauer divorce suit