The Diary

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New York, June 15th 1877.


At 2 P.M. to factory, with H. Steinway and Kroeger to Astoria, examine shop throughout close with Koch to build extension longer & wider for $1000. find 3d story ready for keymakers to occupy find large Stone house being beautifully arranged & fixed up At home in eve'g, writing to Theodor

June 16th sat.

Moist gloomy day. Bought a bust for $20. of my father, made by Graef, of the latters son Lunch at Schülers. Recd letter from Theodor, June 3d, enclosing letter of condolence from R. R. to them, dated May 31st, work all afternoon, to fix up description of styles +c. in our German Centennial Catalogue so that we can use it as an illustrated Catalogue. At home in eve'g Henry Cassebeer calls with him and H. St. pleasant conversation til 10 PM, sleep very soundly


June 17th Sunday.

Beautiful day, work in Store in forenoon & finish work on German Centennial Pamphlet. H. St. with me Then to Cassebeers, after dinner to Zieglers with children who remain there, Mrs. Evers, Mr. & Mrs. Ziegler + myself & H. St. to Astoria, weather lovely, our Stone house being fixed up and painted & calsomined, Mr. Luther has moved into House on Steinway Ave. Drive home, Stop at Zieglers, stay there til 10½ P.M. Ziegler tells me his business troubles & losses by holding this Real Estate two houses on Lexington Ave, I advise him to give up business next fall. Home at 11 P.M.