The Diary

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New York, June 18th 1877.

June 18th Monday.

Fine lovely day. Have dispute with old Meiners & make appointment with him for next day at Mill to investigate whole matter, down town at 11½ A.M. to Rathskeller, then with Ellinger to Postmaster Gamos, to Mayor Ely, the latter promises to go to Normal College with us Thursday morning. Back to Store at 2½ P.M. To factory at 4 P.M. look into Hinge matters for Maxwell. In ev'g with H. & C. St. to Cassebeers. Find left knee a little affected. Home at 10½ PM.

Tretbar & Henry St. present with Meiners

June 19th Tuesd.

Warm day. Leg still a little stiff. Telegram received "Dachauer gesehen gesichert reg thut nichts wenn Briefe nicht provociren send Berlin drei A" Steinway. __Louise A. St. comes to town her brothers Charles & Eddy this day marry the sisters Waniers In afternoon with H. St. to Astoria, have a thorough investigation into the Meiners Band Saw matter, in presence of Mr. Luther, H. St. Meiners and his son. Look over Stone house, everybody busy cleaning up same. Home at 6½ P.M. take dinner, at 8 P.M. call for Louise at Waniers from the wedding. She eats a little supper, remains with us til nearly 11 P.M. when Henry St & I, take her home to 17th street

June 20th Wed.

Nice cool day. letters from Theodor & William Candidus. Meet Hogan on the way who tells me that he goes into the liquor business cor. 14th str & 3d Ave