The Diary

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New York, June 20th 1877


take dinner at my house with Mrs. Louisa St. & and Riekchen Kreischer, then drive up to Gilsey home with them, ask about Richfield Springs, then to Mothers house, I go to factory, buy 10.000. feet keystuff at $45. & 30.000 clear pine at $28. pr. M. New Woods Planer seems to work quite well, back to Store at 4 P.M. In eve'g to 4th street then to Tretbars play Skat with him, his wife & H. St. win 60 Cents

Meiners brings letter from his father, tell him to go on with test Tretbar present

June 21st Thursday.

At 8½ A.M. to Rosenbachs house 70th str & Lex. Ave. meet Mr. Clark Bell, Ottendorfer Maas, Rosenbach, Ellinger & Bär, then go to Normal College, get on Stage, Mayor Ely makes a few appropriate remarks, then Ottendorfer in english & German, then I make a short speech on Music especially, then Clark Bell says a few words & Cor. Ellinger winds up, then examine the buildings. At 12½ to Rathskeller, meet them all, Klamroth much pleased Darcie calls, I give him memorandum to get into the press, back at Store at 2½ PM. work bal. of afternoon, home in evening it rains in torrents, so that Liederkranz fest at Terrace Garden can not take place

June 22d friday.

Cool beautiful day. Lunch at Schülers. Only the Times has reference to our visit at Normal School Am at factory in afternoon. After thorough examination I decide to return old Woods planer, and plane