The Diary

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New York, July 14th 1877.

July 14th sat.

Lovely & very cool day. Lunch at Schülers With Klamroth, Maas & Mack in a Carriage through Central Park, stopping at Thies on 117th str. to Ottendorfers place, Boulevard & 135th street which we reach at 5 P.M. Andrew H. Green & Mrs. Ottendorfer we chat, take a little supper, walk about the place, Klamroth & I sing, am in fair voice, at 9 PM drive in O.s Carriage to 92d str. Ferry, cross over take Carriage at Whitcombs and reach house in Astoria at 10½ PM

July 15th Sunday.

Very hot, in forenoon with George Paula Julia & Arthur Cassebeer to Brosi, meet Mack with two children & Maas with two children, also Green & Ottendorfer, back at Astoria Mansion at 1 P.M. Visit factory, walk around with Williams locating 4 lots which he wants to build on, on Trowbridge place, look at pipes driven in for water tests by department, play Skat in eveg lose 18 Cents

July 16th Monday.

To town with 7.40 boat via 11th street Payday, very busy. Down to Cotterills office, lunch at Tafelrunde, with 4 40 P.M. boat and a Mr. Fell of W. H. Smith & Co. of Brooklyn E. D. to Astoria show him all over the place, which he likes greatly, write article on Graduating Soft Pedal for Music Trade Review, Carrigan & party there, having borrowed H. St.s yacht also Luther, Dulcken, Violinist Schramm, play & sing.