The Diary

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New York, July 26th 1877.

July 26th Thursday.

Fine day, papers state that Communistic Meeting on Tompkins Square last night was a fizzle, letter from Prof. Watson, which states that he will sign certificates & write all those letters to the other jurors. To Astoria via 23d street at 4.30 P.M. Mrs. Chas. Held on Steamboat, going with us to stay over night. In eve'g, Mr. H Funke jr & Schleicher and the two Mißes Funke and Miß Harcourt come in a rowboat from College Point stay with us ½ hour, Dulcken there, he plays I sing one song, at 9¾ they row back to College Point. It has been excessively hot all day, is also very hot during the night.

Vandyke called early, tell him that Hall brought Bristow's figures & Certificates
Mr. Ernest Hall calls, brings me figures signed by Bristow I give him $250. for legal services

July 27th friday.

Very hot, Strikes & excitement subsiding Central and Erie Road run again, to town via 11th street, lunch at Rathskeller, at 4.40 with Williams via 23d street to Astoria, play Skat in eve'g with H. & C. St. lose 2 Cents

July 28th sat.

Raining during the night, foggy in the morning, to town via 11th street, all principal RailRoads are running again and take freight, so that we can ship our pianos freely To Astoria by 3 P.M. boat via 11th street, take Eddy Egg along. Take a swim bath. with all the boys, play Skat in eve'g, win 23 Cents. Cassebeers & Schmidts on a visit to College Point, Funkes

Geilfuss laid up two weeks now.