The Diary

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New York, Septbr 9th 1877.

Sept 9th Sunday.

Beautiful day. Stetson comes from Boston to see me at Astoria, with Henry St. Koch and Luther examine basin in order to secure the logs therein from flood. Take a sail in the morning and one in the afternoon with ladies and children. Play Skat in eveg, with H. & C. St & Henry Cassebeer, win 39 Cents, to bed at 10½ PM

Septbr 10th Monday.

To town via 11th street. Payday, excessively busy all day, get hair cut, to Madison street in afternoon, at 5 P.M. to Theodor, take dinner & spend evening with him, arranging and talking over matters, on way home eat Oysterstew at 23d str. sleep splendidly

Septbr 11th Tuesday.

Fine clear day. To 4th str. at noon, then to Rathskeller lunch with Ottendorfer & Mack then to McKeon & Smythe, with whom I arrange after payment of Interest for the Womens College, then to Chas. E. Strong whom I do not find in. Back at Store by 2 ¾ P.M. With Theodore in Store til 8 P.M. working, we then walk to Liederkranz, take Supper there, I preside, afterward down stairs, Chas. Hensel having arrived, I again preside Home at 12 P.M.

Septbr 12th Wed.

Sultry day. In store at 7½ A.M. Get telegrams from Tretbar "Levasseur signed both Tretbar Paris. Am much pleased at this