The Diary

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New York, Septbr 17th 1877.

Sept 17th Monday.

Heavy fog in the morning, so that H. Cassebeer, Georgie, Eddy Egg & I cross 92d street Ferry, I take Georgie to Columbia Grammar School, am excessively busy, at 11½ AM down town, see Ernst Steiger, meet him at Franz Manns he fully confirms unfavorable reports of Julius Grossers extravagance & unreliability Back to Store at 1½ til 5½ P.M. when I go up to Theodore, take supper & spend eveg with him. C. Schmidt & wife also there. J. Ziegler appraises mothers furniture. Home at 10½ P.M. eat Oysters, sleep splendidly in my bed. Furious Rainstorm all eve'g & night.

telegram from Louisa that she will come next friday.

Sept 18th Tuesday.

My house being cleaned & put into general order, Fine cool day, To store at 8 A.M excessively busy all day with all sorts of business outside. Thomas calls tells me that at Board meeting with Philharmonic his appointment as director was confirmed. L. Engel also calls, writes me a letter, Dr. Schnetter calls, and I have a long and earnest consultation in relation to his adopted daughter, whom he wants to put into the house of the good shepherd, or a similar institution Lunch at Gerths. Work til 8 A.M. in the Store to Dr. Grosser, Hirdes Bros. +c. then to L.K. where I eat a rather heavy supper, preside, home 11 PM

Had Joseph Klebs moved to town yesterday