The Diary

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New York, Oct 4th 1877.

Oct 4th Thursday.

Raining at last. Busy all day discover that I advertised for claims agt Estate of H. St. sen. in 1871. lunch at Gerths. Stetson comes from Boston & we telegraph Holwede to come. Busy all day. Strong Equinoctial Rain storm all day & night. Am at L.K. in evening. Preside at Bd of Trustee & Vorstands Meeting. Home at 11 P.M. Read "Willard on Executors til 12 o'clock

Oct 5th friday.

Beautiful bright autumnal day. Excessively busy, to Cotterills Office, read over deed of Mrs. Ely to Medical College, take lunch with Cotterill at Schedlers, call on Miller at D. G. Ely's office, stop at Smyths Office, and copy liber date of first Mtge & what we signed on the bond Stop at Pastor Krüsi and talk about our Church at Astoria with him. After supper at Theodor. Arrange & talk over matters with him Telegram from Tretbar Berlin "Grosser zahlte 5000 stellt spaeter Bürgschaft Garantie befliedigend Tretbar"

Rec Cable gram

Oct 6th sat.

Cool bright day. Business has been splendid this week, Cotterill with Ely Womens College papers examine them. At 11 AM to 37th str & Lexington Ave, no quorum, I explain matters to the ladies & leave papers with them to execute, I then go uptown, take dinner at Theodore, we drive to Astoria, back to my house at 6½ P.M. Felix Kraemer there in eve'g. I engage him at $2250 pr. annum to go to Boston for us, or travel
