The Diary

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New York, Octbr 28th 1877.

Oct 28th Sunday.

Having recd despatch during the night that the Britannic would arrive at 7.½ A.M. I go to dock, after a while Phelps joins me, and at 9½ the Britannie comes up to the Dock, we drive to 107 E. 14th street which we reach at 11 A.M. All take dinner at my house, then drive up to Theodor in the afternoon where we stay til 10½ P.M. play Whist, win 26 Cts

Return of Tretbar & wife

Oct 29th Monday.

Very busy all day, lunch at Gerth's, at 4th str. bet 5-6 P.M. take supper home, walk for a short time through 18th str. &c then by 4th Ave Car to Louisa A. Steinway, all the family there, home at 10 3/4 PM.

F. Kraemer to Boston

Oct 30th Tuesday.

Gloomy day, busy all day writing down what witnesses can testify to in Meiners suit lunch at Gerth's. In eve'g at L.K. Help singing & preside at meeting. Home at 12½ AM.

Oct 31st Wed.

At store by 8 A.M. working, in eve'g at home, Theodor, Schmidt & wife at my house for supper & afterwards. In afternoon pay Dorette Ziegler part of her legacy, she loans Constantin Schmidt $2500. for it for 3 years.

Novbr 1st Thursday.

At lunch with Theodore, then to Astoria with him, Henry St. & H. Ziegler. Koch is just commencing to build Drying room on top of boiler extension, look at Waterworks, Sewerage +c +c. H. St. to supper with me. At L.K. 8½ P.M. Preside at B. of T. Meeting and Vorstandssitzung