The Diary

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New York, Novbr 6th 1877.

Novbr 6th Tuesday.

Election Cold clear day, my eye is much better, but I feel slight touch in tip of elbow vote the Reform ticket, except substituting Schell for Morrisey, in eveg at Theodore House, he celebrates his 52d birthday. We are quite jolly together. Home with Bam & baby at 11 PM

Novbr 7th Wed.

Slight Headache, at 11 A.M. to Superior Court when our Meiners trial begins, Old Meiners and his son Wm. Meiners on the stand examined by Badger direct and cross examined by Cotterill recess at 1 P.M. til 1½ P.M. trial stops at 4 P.M. I walk up with Cotterill all the way from Court House to 20th street I am quite lame, play Skat with Theo. & Henry Cassebeer jr. lose 10 Cents

Novbr 8th Thursday.

trial begins at 11 A.M. Witnesses for the defense. After Brand & H. St. I take the stand. Stops at 4 P.M. Home in a Carriage as I am quite lame, to bed at 10 PM

Novbr 9th Friday.

In Court again, begins at 11 A.M. til 4 P.M. All witnesses for the defense on, of whom Mr. Jones makes the best impression, at home in eve'g, play Whist with H. St. Theo. & Mr. Tretbar, lose 22 Cents. Play very interesting games I have a headache, but am again quite free from Rheumatism.