The Diary

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New York, Decbr 29th 1877.

Decbr 29th Sat.

Excessively busy, settling with Henry Lewis Sewerage, Jos. L. T. Smith, all surveying, with McBride for new Engine house, with C. F. Koch Int. and new Drying Room Lunch with Theodor. Then with him, his wife and Louisa A. St. to Astoria lovely weather, I inspect various matters in the Village, also in factory, we return at 6 P.M. eat "Kuddeln" at Theodores then play whist with him, his wife and Johanna, lose 50 Cents. Home at 11 P.M. eat Oysters at 3d Ave and 23d street

Decbr 30th Sunday.

North East Rain storm, work at Store in the forenoon, down to 4th street back to the Store, H. St. lunches with me, then drive uptown with him and my children, go through the factory with H. St. afterwards play Whist with him, Ziegler & Theodor, til 11 P.M. then go home by the 3d Avenue Cars. My children who had taken Supper at L. A. St went home at 8 P.M. I win 34 Cents