The Diary

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New York, February 9th 1878.


Brainard, Cleveland, O. Fischer tells me many interesting facts about wages, manufacturing and wages for the porters packers, blockers cost of legs. Dr. Lellmann calls at my request in eve'g, to remove rest of Rheumatism prescribes, I retire early

Febr 10th Sunday.

Both knees affected, growing worse during day, in eveg in bed remove poor mans plaster from both knees which proves a very painful operation, have many visitors during the day

Febr 11th Monday.

Rheumatism much worse can barely walk between two sticks both knees and left foot badly affected Payday & much trouble and excitement all day. Retire early sleep well

Febr 12th Tuesday.

letter from Boscovitz, another quarrel and discharge by Maxwell high levee all day, so many callers all day

Febr 13th Wed.

Rheumatism very bad, but as before sit up in the library. Greet throng of people all day, John C. Freund has been arrested on libel suit of Joseph P. Hale, & by Judge Noah Davis, bail has been fixed at $10.000. I sign one bail bond but Decker refuses, whole family except