The Diary

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New York, Febr 16th 1878

Frebruary 15th

Fred Hazelton told me on the 14th again how he had loaned to A Weber $10.000. at 1 and also at 2 pr. Ct. & that Weber had told him that he was paying Hale as high as 3 pr. Ct. pr. month. My Rheumatism much better I can again walk slowly without a cane Retire early sleep well, Dr. Lellmanns medicine makes my ears sing all the time

Febr 16th sat.

Great advance in my Rheumatic cure can walk without canes. Vandyke calls tells me he saw Hale, tells me also that A. Weber admitted to him two years ago that Hale forced pianos upon him while loaning him money, that these Hale pianos were very rough and had to be finished over at Webers factory, and that he Weber would never take any more, he had had such trouble with them +c.+c. Retire early, sleep well. Vandyke saw Beatty pianos at Hales

Febr 17th Sunday.

Fine weather, am very much improved Kroeger visits me in the forenoon, would like to have full salary restored, I tell him I will see at the end of the year, Theodore calls, H. St. eats with us at noon. Jos. Kapp calls, very hard up, Geilfuss also calls. In eveg Tretbar, John D. Townsend & Freund calls, we have a long conversation. Retire at 10 PM