The Diary

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New York, Febr. 27th 1878.

Febr 27th Wed.

Beautiful day. Drive to Store, little touch in left knee, home in eve'g, Fred Steins, Tretbar, Theo & Johanne, Schmidt & wife there Play Whist, sing with Fred. Steins. Retire at 10½ P.M. Sleep splendidly

Febr 28th Thursday.

lunch at Gerths. Supt of Station D. brings me a letter from P. M. James, that complaint has been about on opening letters addressed to Stanley & Sons, N.Y. I immediately call on P. M. James who refers me to Mr. Gaylor who has this thing in hand & to whom I fully explain matters, show Hales trademarks, copy of correspondence with Hale's lawyer & promise to consult with my counsel, Not Home in eve'g, but take supper at Theodores, play Whist in eve'g with Johanne & Louisa Home at 11 Sleep splendidly

L. Engel to Europe pr. City of Brussels

March 1st friday.

Excessively busy all day, at 7½ P.M. walk through 18th street to Hoffman House, consult with Cotterill as to deed of N.Y. Medical College to me, which he advises, then as to Record title of 121 E. 52d street & finally as to Hale Stanley P.O. matter, he advises to make no Statement but to see Gaylor personally. Drive home at 10½ PM Sleep splendidly.