The Diary

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New York, March 2d 1878.

March 2d sat.

Drive to Store everything lively & very busy. Lunch at Gerth's, at 4 P.M. uptown at Theodore Remain for supper, we spend eve'g at Louisa's Mr. Kreischer and Riekchen being there. Home at 11 PM. During the day John M. Steinway from Mount Vernon calls, I see from his papers that his name is Steinweg, born in Cologne in 1841, tell him he is no relation of ours in any way whatever, he denies being a Jew or calling himself our cousin

John M. Steinway

March 3d Sunday.

Kraemer from Boston calls, I am at Office, Kraemer gives me much valuable information regarding Hale & will be a valuable witness in the coming trial. He takes lunch with me, visits factory with me, looking at the improvements contemplated. He then leaves. Childrens party at Louisa's; house in afternoon, Tante Johanna's birthday today, nice party at Theodores house, quite jolly, home at 11 PM

March 4th Monday.

Feel pretty well and can walk up and down stairs. At 1 P.M. to Rathskeller, then to Townsend & Weed, justification set for March 12th at Supreme Court Chambers. Call on Van Santvoord & Hauff, on Mr. Gaylor P. O. who suggests a brief answer to P. M. James. Call also on De Walltears. Work til 7½ P.M. then lunch