The Diary

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New York, March 7th 1878.

March 7th Thursday.

Feel quite well, Busy all day, lunch at Gerths. At Bk of the Metropolis in afternoon, Theodore examines the Weber piano, pronounces the Action and connecting of the bridges on Soundboard an infringement our two patents of 1869-1866 No. of Weber Upright piano 10297. Theodore takes supper with me. Am at L.K. Board of Trustee Meeting & Vorstandssitzung Home at 10½ P.M. Sleep well

Death of Carl Dürr

March 8th friday.

Walk To Store at 8 A.M. busy all day. Wardwell calls, says that he has important communications to make from Jos. P. Hale, he does call in evening making propositions on the part of Hale to settle suit and to prevent Freunds answer from being published +c+c I saw Freund in afternoon who is very stubborn says he will rather rot in jail than to give in.

March 9th sat.

fine day, very busy, at 12 uptown, see Theo. the little Parlorgrand plate is cast and lies in the outside & on the inside rim, we drive to Astoria, also H & Ch. St. afterwards Georgie and Eddie Egg come by R. R. Dredger Seward has thrown over a portion of our front Bulkhead over the Wood having rotted. Decide to build house for Luther at once. We return to N. Y. take supper with Georgie at Theodores. Afterwards spend evening at the House of Louisa. With Georgie home in the 3d Ave Car