The Diary

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NewYork, Novbr. 1st 1892.


ramme is unanimously adopted by the Meeting. Much enthusiasm prevails. After attending a Music Session in Com. drive home. Saw our Agt "Crawford"

Novbr. 2d Wed.

Moist dark day, make good progress under Massage. Order Gustav Candidus who attends Packards Commercial College, to go into an American Boardinghouse Met Cotterill again told him what A. J. Menzl told me last night. Miß Brämer called, also Miss Grobl. In afternoon work all day at my house. Business is splendid with us, but said to be dull with all others in the trade Work home in evg, and the whole afternoon.

Novbr 3d Thursd.

Murky rainy day in forenoon At Bk of the Metropolis in afternoon. General Passenger Agt. VanCullen Jones of the N.Y. Central R.R. called on Paderewski trip to San Francisco and L.K. trip to Chicago +c. +c. I today could for the first time in 5 months run and walk quite fast, am badly pestered by callers, Mrs. Kessler Miß Heckle, the young Wetzlers, Mrs. Davie, whose husband sailed for England yesterday pr. Teutonic. In evg drive to L.K. Trustee + Vorstands session, in Vorstand investigates case of Ortel vs. Wilhelm, dismisses complaint, I call them both in tell them and administer a severe rebuke to both. Home midnight

Novbr frid.

Welcome rain sets in, see Mayor Grant on Mrs. Williams' reappointment as school Com. Chas. G. Wahle, jr. as Police Justice, Gaynes Schmitz as Police Clerk, also speak about John VanGlahn for Police Judge. Met Isidor Strauss and Senator Ed. Hagen Then drive to Cotterills Office, look over answer to Harbuckle complaint, he lunches with me at Cafè Savarin, I go to Rapid Transit Meeting