The Diary

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NewYork, Octbr. 28th 1892.

Oct. 28th frid.

Most papers bring my speech in full, send a number of N.Y. Times + Staatszeitungs to England + Germany work in eveg til 11 P.M. Had daily consultation and immense work by searching through records and writing memorandums for Geo W. Cotterill in H.W.T.St. case agt me & St + Sons. Get extension of todays time to answer said case

Oct. 29th sat.

rain in morning. In ev'g with wife to L.K. preside at first Social evg for ladies + gentlemen, Miß Wohlmuth (sister of Dr. Ed. Hanslik) recites very poorly, Carl Barleben plays pretty well Violin, but Mathilde Gerlach does quite well; having a fine Soprano Voice. Drink 3 glasses of Pilsen beer, get home near 1 AM. Henry Ziegler arrived pr. "Columbia"
Henry Ziegler & family arrived Steamer Columbia

Oct. 30th Sunday.

Having taken daily Massage since 13th inst. gradually strengthen me and lessens gout in hands, shoulder, knees and feet, and I look quite well. Preside at Chicago trip Com at L.K. in forenoon. Work all afternoon at St. Hall on Harbuckle case. In evg at Arion Concert, Carnegie Hall, Ottendorfer + Mrs. Woerishoffer. Then walk to Henry Ziegler who celebrates his birthday, have pleasant chat til 11 P.M. Gustav Candidus stops at H. Zieglers house

Oct 31st Monday,

Terribly busy all day. In evg. after working all day at my house, to H. Ziegler for supper. At 8 P.M. with him, Chas H. + Fred T. St. and Stetson hold Board of Trustee Meeting at H .Zieglers house, Geo. A. St. resigning as Trustee, and Henry Ziegler appointed to fill vaccancy. McCabe + Orne make offer for my R.R. afternoon

Novbr. 1st Tuesday.

Met Cotterill at Cafè Savarin, Rapid Transit Session postponed til friday. Work on Harbuckle case til nearly 10 P.M. then go to L.K. preside, present style B. 7 Oct. ebonized Grand 74.045. with a few lines to L.K. being loudly cheered. Chicago Prog