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NewYork Novbr. 4th 1892. | ||
none held, rush up to St. Hall, pack up things take to my house, McCabe + Orne had been there a few minutes previously + left. Harry D. Low called home by telephone a little boy born to him. Home evg working with Chas H. St. & our Counsel George W. Cotterill til midnight. Complete my answer in case of Henry W. T. St. agt me. |
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Novbr. 5th sat. |
McCabe + Orne call in afternoon, after Orne and his son saw me at my house in forenoon. Make another appointment for 2 P.M. Monday. Took lunch with Oscar v. Bernuth at Hotel Hungaria, L. v. B., Trompeter and young Neidlinger there. Home in evg, working, took warm bath, gave check for local ticket of Tammany $500. to Com Ridgeway | |
Novbr 6th sund. |
Even the N.Y. Herald admits that Cleveland has now the greater chance to be elected. From Clippings all over the Press of the country I see that every paper brought a report of our German Mass Meeting, with my name as chairman, my introductions and my speech wholly or in part. Get my hair cur in forenoon, preside at Chicago trip Com. at L.K. Work at store in afternoon. With wife to dinner at L. A. Steinways house, play Skat with her, Hettie and Adolph Vietor, win 40 Cts |
Novbr 7th Mond. |
Was excused from Jury by Judge Cowing; Cotterill served my + St+Sns sworn answer to the complaint of Henry W. T. Steinway on latters lawyer Cromwell in the afternoon of today. Held Meeting of Steinway Railway Comp. directors, was elected director to fill vacancy caused by H. A. Cassebeers resignation. R. T. McCabe and Benj. Orne present. Order 20 Motors of Eickemeyer. In evg at German Savings Bk. With Steiger, Wesendonck. at Luchows afterwards | |