Tracking the Buffalo

Stories from a Buffalo Hide Painting

Tracking the Buffalo was an educational website produced by the National Museum of American History. The interactive site was designed for students in grades 3-6 to explore the relationship between Plains Indians and the buffalo. In the You Be the Historian activity, students explored a buffalo hide painting and used related primary sources to better understand the meaning of the buffalo to the people of the Plains and the effect of new settlers on life on the Plains. In the What Can You Make from a Buffalo activity, students played a matching game to learn how American Indians used parts of the buffalo for every day items. The site included book suggestions, links to related material, and a guiding worksheet for students. 

The Tracking the Buffalo website was retired in 2022 due to incompatibility with current web standards. A view of the previous home page can be seen below.

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This screenshot captures the home page of the former Tracking the Buffalo website. View an archived site snapshot.