The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 2d 1887.

Decbr. 2d friday.

Raw wind, work busily all day and everything is getting into splendid shape especially our finances, take supper at Louisa A. St. work with Fritz until 11½ P.M. at Lüchows with him afterwards He tells me that H. W. T. St. embitters his life very much through his pessimistic Ideas


Decbr 3d sat.

letter from Theo. who wants to sell the Hamburg bus. to St + Sons but insists upon saddling it with his Grindelsteg property At 11½ A.M. down town see Hinsdale, meet also Maxwell and Corbin all at 115 Broadway, talking about R.R. Consents and the property bought by Gleason last spring. Lunch at Hollenders. At 3 P.M. to Ehret B.B.Bg Impt Co. Meeting all there except Williams who is in Kentucky. After supper to Liederkranz, Social E’g for Gentlemen which I conduct Very fine, I get home at 2 AM


Decbr 4th Sunday.

Dark gloomy weather. At 10 A.M. Morris and Alex Steinert are at my office with me, Stetson & Chas. H. St. Steinerts offer to buy more pianos and want larger reductions in price. After dinner again work at store, and in ev’g I am at Edward Grosse 140 E. 16th street, meet Loeser and Davis there. We go to Schmenger afterwards


Decbr. 5. Monday.

Excessively busy all day. In ev’g at German Savings Bank, and Namenlosen at Heims

Decbr 6th Tuesd.

At L.K. in ev’g. Hospital Concert Meeting at L.K. Go over to Arion for an hour. Then preside. Home at 1 AM

Decbr. 7th Wed.

Loeser and Judge Pitschke call in forenoon Ed. Lemcke calls, at 7 P.M. to Steinway, meet George Ehret who buys the front on St. Ave. of me from Silk factory to Potter Avenue. Visit Bilhubers find Lizzie Cassebeer there, where I take supper Am at store afterwards. Chas. H. St. has been absent sick for 3 days sore throat, his little boy has also sore throat
