The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 19th 1888.

Novbr 19th Monday.

Almost hounded to death all day. Bollman Inventory perfect & satisfactory. Home in ev’g working, wife is quite well now, Paula and her husband at Quebeck, Emily Faber calls on Hospital business

Novbr. 20th Tuesd.

M. Dilthey calls intends to go to Hamburg next Thursday week. Am at L.K. in ev’g, very busy home at 1 A.M. Am investigating the matter of felt Weickerts and Dolge. H. A. Cassebeer, sen. buried

Novbr. 21st, Wed.

Cold clear day, Am excessively busy all along Bollman Bros. Company and Moxter Matter taking up a great deal of my attention. To my great joy case of Christ vs. B.B.Bg+ Impt Co. is won by the latter in the City Court of Common Pleas before Judge Brown today. Am home in ev’g. My daughter Paula and her husband returned from Quebeck safe and sound. Have a long and earnest talk with wife til 2 AM

Novbr. 22d Thursd.

Lovely cool day, Harry Candidus calls, intends to go to Europe again, which I approve of. Count Arco, the German Ambassador at Washington visits me. Mr. Geo. W. Sessions of San Francisco visits me with regard to the Daimler Motor, Mrs. Anna Wilhelms calls tells me that Hardt is again very sick with gout. Sophia Adelaide the socalled daughter of Queen Victoria calls, I refuse the Hall to her. Dick Ranft is very excited, wants to build store Home in evg working sleep in one bed all night with wife for first time fairly well

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Novbr. 23d friday.

Am down town in Custom house, swear to Fricke picture and give bond for Paula, at Queens Co. Bank in afternoon, eat supper with wife at Paulas home 365 Lex. Ave. which has been beautifully fixed up with my money, then proceed to L.K. At 10 P.M. we march to Arion,