The Diary

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New York, March 6th 1889.

March 6th Wed.

Mrs. Thurber wanted her Check for $2000. cashed yesterday which I refused. In ev’g with wife, Frl. Louis v. B. and wife at Amberg Theatre, Oh Schwieger Mama given, with Cottrelly we laugh heartily. Cabled to Berlin for Oakes, Analine Agency _ _

March 7th Thursd.

At Bk in aftern. At L.K. Vorstand & Bd. of Trustees in ev’g, home Midnight, had a talk with Ellie in relation to her brother & wife in Germany. Lovely mild weather.


March 8th frid.

Nice weather, Flörsheim wants me to write letter to Judge O’Gorman which I refuse. Astoria Veneer Mills organized, Wm. H. Williams, Wm. Thatcher + Alex S. Williams, Trustees. am at German Club in eve’g, meet Villard who subscribed $20.000. towards building fund. My little Theodore has written a nice letter to Papa Ranft at Dresden well and almost faultlessly written. Felix Kraemer returned from the South today. Warm bath much refreshes me


March 9th Sat.

Mild day. For the first time in my experience I am somewhat left alone and able to work in my new office. Hugo S. Mack calls on me, Queens County Bank matters. Both wife and children feel much better & throats well again. M. Radde calls as to case on which I am bondsman Home in ev’g, working til 11 P.M.

March 10th Sunday.

Lovely mild day, in forenoon assemble all together at St. Hall, having meeting discussing change in our Upright cases, whether to let Williams have our Mill or take his own, and view a number of other piano Upr desks constructions. I enjoy fine health, feeling only a remote touch in my left hand middle finger. Home in ev'g working also all afternoon at store

Monday 11th Monday.

Excessively busy all day. Am at Meeting Lienaus Hotel for Fr. v. Bodenstedt. Home in evg working til 11 P.M. wife quite over her cough + cold