The Diary

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New York + Astoria, Aug 25th 1889

New York + Astoria, Aug 25th 1889

Weather lovely. Cassebeer family and Roesler family to dinner with us, take drive with Roesler in forenoon over Bowery Bay Beach and also with wife in afternoon. A very large crowd of nice people is present and my roads must have done well


Aug 26th Monday.

Henry Ziegler comes in and I learn to my great sorrow from him that Dr. Janeway pronounces him worse and that he must probably go to the South of France in October. I am at 7250 with Mr. McComb + Adams (builder) at Com. Gilroy about asphalting 59th str. Meet Geo. F. Kreischer there. Am at Ottendorfers for supper, play Skat with him, Senner + J. F. Poggenburg, lose $Go to Mansion by horse cars via Hunters Point reach there 11.30 PM

Aug 27th Tuesday.

Cool lovely day, Get letters from Koch & Holwede that Brunswick authorities claim Theodore as Inländer he having in 1880 declared to the Magistrate there that he would remain in Braunschweig, I cable as follows to “Steinway, Hamburg Inform only Henry Charles Steinway both must be here latest middle October Henry Ziegler growing rapidly worse, leaves for Southern France within one month Cypress on way from Florida” am at Arion in evg Session of Music festival Committee, Stanton + Schwab take supper at L.K. with Cab to 92d Ferry, home midnight. R. Pagenstecher in financial trouble

Aug 28th Wed.

Remain at Mansion til noon, have long talk with Fritz St. with 12.30 Car to Hunters Point with wife two boys + Frl. pr Lg Isl. R.R. to Manhattan Beach visit Brighton + West Brighton Beach, up Elevator, on Switchback dine at Manh. B. Hotel, back with 5.55 P.M. train, home by my cars via Ravenswood, work in evg