The Diary

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New York, October 11th 1889.

Oct 11th friday.

my appearance on Kittle supplementary proceedings, before Anderson + Howland postponed til Tuesday at 3 P.M. Call on Ottendorfer (meet Mrs. Woerishoffer there) on behalf of Judge V. H. Candidacy. Am at Amberg Theatre with wife & Frl Richard Ranft jr. + wife “Eine berühmte Frau” given finely

Oct 12th saturday.

Arrival of Chas. H. St. with Steamer Augusta Victoria he looks firstrate. Wangler hands in his report which slashes Kittle fearfully. I am very busy all day. Adam Weber, Harry D. Low, P. Burkard & myself at Lüchows, at 5½-6½ P.M. discussing Wangler report. Am home in ev’g, translating Comptrollers receipt of Collateral Inheritance tax on C. F. Theo. St. looking over things


Oct. 13th sunday.

T. F. Kraemer & Co. moving their Varnishing + Upholstery department over to my Grote property, Am early at Store working. Have been called upon during last week by John C. Haynes, Patrick Heeley +c on acct of Chicago matter. Work all day at store. In evg, Fritz, Chas. H. St. Stetson, George W. Lyon + Mr. Potter of Chicago meet at my office, we have an earnest talk about future of Steinway Int. in Chicago, and differences of opinion bet. Lyon and Healy


Oct 14th Monday,

raining, Grote foreclosure postponed until friday next. Finance Com. Meeting postponed for want of a Quorum. In evg at Office, with Geo. W. Lyon + Potter, Stetson & Chas. + Fr. St.


Oct 15th Tuesd.

Meeting of board of St + H. Pt. R.R. at 5 P.M. Resolve extensions on Dutchkills Road and Broadway. Am with my son George at Judge Howlands Office, testify in matter of supplementary proceedings agt Chas. A. Kittle, Mrs. Barnes also testifies At Arion for a few moments, spend evg at L.K. Season Prog. adopted as worked out by me. Varrelmann, Scholler [written over an erasure] +c. there Come home at 1 AM

Oct. 16th Wed.

Henry W. T. St. + Henry A. Cassebeer + wife arrive pr. Steamer “Ems” from Europe. Am at Finance Com. Meeting Chamber of Commerce, am appointed Sub Com. to

(Marriage of Harry D. Low to Miss Ford, give him a style L. as a wedding present)
