The Diary

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Washington, January 12th 1890.

January 12. Sunday.

Start at 9 A.M. reach Baltimore 10 A.M. visit Keidels, Sutro not in, proceed with 12.40 train. Oscar v. B. there, and large number of Worlds Fair N.Y. Committee, bet. Trenten + J.C. I make a speech + bring a toast in honor of Flower + DeFrece Reach home at 7 P.M. boys delighted to see us.


January 13th Monday.

The dreadful news reaches me that Lizzie Cassebeer, my oldest niece died early this morning. I also make contract with M. Steinert + Sons. We also have annual Meeting of E.R. Gas Light Co. Adam Weber being absent. Home in evg. working. Paula dangerously sick

death of Lizzie Cassebeer

January 14 Tuesd.

Steamer Rugia arrives with the remains of C. F. Theo. St. and his wife on board in a separate compartment. At 2 P.M. at office of Astoria Ferry, have a long conference (at 132 Front str.) with Mr. Ellis Rapelye, as to their running boats from E. 92d street to Grand Pier. At L.K. in evg, Music Com. Hoffmann not there, having lost his niece Fanny by sudden death. Paula still very sick

Jan 15. Wed.

funeral of Lizzie Cassebeer from Presbyterian Church W. 14th str. Pastor B. Krüsi officiates, we all drive to Greenwood Cemetery, and at the grave promise to stand by the motherless children. Lizzie is interred in our Mausoleum. In ev’g at Ottendorfers, play Skat with him and Loeser, lose $1.10 talk about Judge Freedman and Schuchmann cases. Louisa A. St. has diptheria

Jan 16. Thursd.

Busy all day work deep into night am at Bk Metr. talking about the bad Lindeman and Brautigam failures.