The Diary

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New York, Febr. 7th 1890.

February 7th friday.

Am at part IV Supreme Court. Have a few minutes conversation with Judge Morgan J. O’Brien who appointed me one of the Commissioners of Appraisal for acquiring lands for terminus in N.Y. of the Brooklyn Bridge,6 we organize (John M. Bowers being absent) and Jos. J. Marrin and I appoint John M. Bowers Chairman and adjourn until Tuesday afternoon at Bowers Office. Nahum Stetson sails for the South. Crain, the new Chamberlain gets $50.000. bond from me. At Office til Midnight getting off legacy letters to Europe

Give $50.000 bond for Mr. Crain as Chamberlin

Febr. 8th sat.

Rainstorm all day, Croker sailed on Fulda this A.M. I sent him letters of Introduction Mrs. Hermine Claar Delia at last finds me at Store, have quite a chat with her, Dick Ranft takes dinner with us at 1 P.M. Carl Rose comes over from German Savings Bank and I learn to my horror that Charles Hauselt died during the night Home in evg working til late at night

Death of Charles Hanselt last night

Febr 9th Sunday.

Am not at Rehearsal of L.K. Concert work busily all day. Heye, Hoffmann, Steiger + Van der Emde call to arrange Memorial Services for Chas. Hauselt am at L.K. Concert in evg, Kalisch, Joseffy, Lilly Lehmann, have a long chat with her, Concert is magnificent

Febr 10th Monday.

Meet Henry W. T. St. + H. A. Cassebeer Jr. at Millers Hotel Hunters Point, early and prove will of H. A. Cassebeers deceased wife, A. Louise Cassebeer before Surrogate Weller, call also at Queens Co. Bk, send Cashier Freer my proxy. Henry A. Cassebeer looks miserable. Am at home working til late