The Diary

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New York, April 6th 1890


Home in evg, working til late in evg

April 7th Monday.

Terribly busy day, hold three annual meetings at my office, Matthias Gray Comp, sell T. L. Ludovici one share of stock, elect him Trustee and Vice Pres.8 Bowery Bay Blg + Impt Comp. drop Cassebeer & elect Walter C. Foster Pres. drop Wm. H. Williams as Trustee. In St + S. Meeting, have a tussle with Fritz St. elect latter as Vice Pres. instead of Chas. H. St. who wants to skip off again to Europe to see his wife. Work home in evg

April 8th Tuesd.

At Tax office, see Cadwell, call on Herman Funke, 101 Duane str. and see bust of Dr Herman E. Ludwig, first Pres. of German Liederkranz, which Mr. Funke presents to L.K. Then meet Trask & his lawyer Isaac L. Egbert, Kittle also calls, we talk Trask proposal scheme all over, then we dine at Cables, then to Knauth Nachod & Kuhne, send 50.000 Marks to Berlin. At L.K. in evg, home at nearly 1 AM pretty well tired out. Edmund C. Stanton called, sails by Lahn tomorrow

Visited Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Vietor at 45 E. 52nd str evg.

April 9. Wed.

Mayor Grant telephones me to call, tells me to my great surprise, he has appointed me Commißioner under the Rapid Transit act of 1875. In evg party at my house, Carl Schurz and daughter, Dommerich and wife, Fr. v. Bernuth + wife, L. v. B. + wife, Anton Majer and Miß Lulu Ceasar, charming party. Tribune Reporter calls, tells me that Mayor Grant appointed me, Aug. Belmont, Orlando B. Potter, John M. Starin & Chas Stewart Smith Commißioners. Mayor Grant promised to come to piano dinner


April 10. Thursd.

The papers are all full of the Mayors action and I am spoken to by everybody, for all seem to have read the matter. Work home til late