The Diary

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New York & Astoria, June 10th 1890


Get home past 1 oclock A M

June 11th Wed.

Learn that our neighbour Danl S. Riker died of heart failure during the night, write her letters of condolence, work at Mansion all day and evening


June 12th Thursd.

Excessively busy all day at Bk work in evg

June 13th frid.

working all day, at Store til nearly 11 P.M. European & other mail

June 14th sat.

Very much pestered by borrowers and Reporters, work til deep into evg at Mansion

June 15. sund.

Bowery Bay Beach well patronized Laid Cornerstone of new Union Church at 5 P.M. I presiding, rainstorm interfering

June 16th Monday.

Rapid Transit Meeting at 3 P.M. full Committee, all present, work at Mansion

June 17th Tuesd.

Excessively busy all day at L.K. in evg reaching Mansion 1 A.M. Examine Rapid Transit route

June 18th Wed.

Lillie H. Toussaint calls, Passport and relating to trip July 3d, work at Store til 10 P.M. Full Rapid Transit Meeting at 3 P.M. Decide upon a report to Mayor Grant, treat Greener + Stürcke Stenographers to suppoer at Lienaus

June 19th Thursd.

Cable yesterday that we have been appointed Manuracturers to Princess of Wales Quite warm; stopped at 99th str. sailing in James from Grand Pier to 92d str. Wife + Papa Ranft to Roesler, Great Neck, I lunch at Lienaus, home at 8.15 P.M. meet Walter J. Foster at my house, have a long talk with him
