The Diary

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New York, June 20th 1890

June 20th

E. R. Gas L. Comp. Mtge paid off today and $500.000 Mtg of E. R. Gas Comp. to State Trust Comp is recorded in Queens Co. Registers Office, and old Mortgage of $100.000. satisfied of record. At 3 P.M. Rapid Transit Com. has Meeting all Com. present perfect and sign our Report to the Mayor which O. B. Potter undertakes to deliver to Mayor Grant before 12 o’clock tomorrow. Have an immense number of pressmen, but skilfully steer around them Home in evg by 11.15. Having got family letter in 15 copies off by 9.30 PM


June 21st sat.

Tafelrunde with Papa Ranft at 10 A.M. to New Haven, on M. Steinerts invitation. Proceed in a street car to Savins neck on the Sound and although it rains all day amuse ourselves splendidly, I make speech & bring toast to M. Steinert Arrive at 7 P.M. Drive in drenching Rain with Papa Ranft to L.K. Summernights festival and without stopping there to 92d street Ferry

June 22d Sunday,

all day at Astoria, very large number of Visitors to Bowery Bay, saturday afternoon and Sunday papers generally comment very favorably upon our Rapid Transit Report

June 23d Monday.

Purchase the entire F. Grote + Co. business subject to my liens at $1000. at public auction at Real Estate Exch. 55 Liberty street At Mansion at work til 11 P.M. Pressmen again pester me about Rapid Transit

June 24th Tues.

Get off all my notice of departure at 10 P.M. to L.K. Commers to R. L. Herman